What Is Considered Dental Emergency?

 There are times when your dental condition can be serious enough that going to the dentist as soon as possible is the best choice. This isn’t the case for most dental issues. In fact, you may be able to manage your dental problem at home. 

It can be difficult to know exactly what is considered a dental emergency. If you’re concerned about a dental problem, knowing the different types of emergencies can help you decide what steps you need to take. 

Here are some signs you need some emergency dental care: 

Loose Tooth 

Loose and wiggly teeth are rarely an adult’s fault. However, there a few possible causes of loose or wiggly teeth that respond to ease discomfort as quickly as possible. For instance, it could be a sign of dental pain or injury. If you notice loose or wiggly teeth, make sure to see a dentist for thorough professional examination and treatment as soon as possible. 

Caused by Injury 

These are some devastating injuries that can be uncomfortable and painful. If you suspect an injury, see your dentist right away. Whether it was an accident or a sports-related injury, it’s important to make sure you have strong teeth. Nothing is 100% safe, so always check for any nerve damage around the mouth or jaw. 

While one serious injury may not cause immediate symptoms right away, it’s really important to get treatment right away. Even if your injury is minor, recovery will be faster if you seek medical care without delay. 

And then there’s the other problem. What’s happening with those bad, loose teeth? Your gums are showing signs of infection because you have dental caries, which send bacteria to wreak havoc on your pearly whites and saliva. An infected tooth can sometimes cause a toothache too – so if you feel this pain in an open sore in your mouth, it could be caused by a bacterial infection. 

An oral exam may be performed in an emergency to determine the procedure as well as the need for extraction or root canal treatment. Infected teeth can eventually be addressed, thus sparing patients from extensive tooth decay or loss and giving them a chance at having saved their teeth. 

Severe Toothache 

A severe toothache may be caused by dental decay, a tooth abscess, or a cracked tooth. Severe pain persisting for more than a few days should not be ignored. 

It is important that you call the dentist immediately when you have a severe toothache if there is no improvement after three days. You should call your dentist even on the weekend if you are in pain. 

If you have any questions, concerns or if you need help with a dental emergency, you should call the office of a dentist near you in one of the following scenarios: 

Your jawbone is sensitive to touch beside your front teeth Your jaw has a deterioration in its quality and sensitivity 

You are having extreme pain in your tooth 

Bleeding Gums 

While gingivitis is a fairly common result of a combination of heredity, age, and poor oral hygiene habits, excessive gum bleeding indicates more serious conditions. If you’re experiencing gums that bleed excessively after being flossed (even with the aid of paste), it’s a warning sign for you that you need to take seriously. When gums bleed after you brush, studies show that this is a sign of early gum disease resulting in tooth loss. 

If you haven’t brushed or flossed correctly, you could be at risk for periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can cause bleeding and receding gums that will need prompt professional care. Your dentist may want to examine if your gums are red or swollen. 

If you’re noticing symptoms of gum disease, communicate what’s happening to your dentist. Early diagnosis will prevent disease progression and avoid severe symptoms that could damage important structures like the jawbone. 

Swollen Jaw 

Talk about a pain in the jaw, so jaw pain when it swells and I would say it could be a sign of infection and that you probably need to see a dentist and that’s probably a dental emergency. 

One such infection is called salivary gland infection. Many of the symptoms of salivary gland infection can be misdiagnosed and be taken as indicators of other diseases. 

In a salivary gland infection, the glands are blocked and can’t produce saliva. This causes the food in your mouth to stay there longer and makes bacteria from your tongue and teeth more likely to survive. It’s important to get a consultation at the first sign that you might have this type of infection. 

Dental Abscess 

The most dangerous symptom of a dental abscess is that the tooth hurts to touch. The nerve root in the tooth can be exposed and surrounded by pus. If this symptom is present, seek emergency care as soon as possible. 

What should I do if I have a dental abscess? 

You should seek emergency dental care if you have an abscess. This is because oral conditions can lead to more serious health problems that may arise in other parts of the body. Seeing a dentist is an important step in maintaining your oral health and avoiding potentially serious health risks. 


A dental abscess is caused by a bacterial infection within the mouth that finds its way into the pulp, the tissue that includes the nerves and blood vessels. Dental abscesses will eventually lead to an infection that will spread to the rest of the body. 

The most common cause is an infection that starts from a cracked tooth. The bacteria can be taken in by the mouth from other areas, but a tooth abscess is the most common cause. If the infection is left untreated, it can lead to a more severe infection of the end of the bone, where the nerve and blood vessels are located. 

Constant Headaches 

There are a lot of reasons behind headaches, but there’s a strong connection between your jaw and teeth and the pain you might be feeling. The longer it takes for your headache to go away, the more likely you are to have other problems that can cause a migraine. 

If you’re experiencing chronic headaches, you should see your dentist for a checkup to make sure there’s nothing structural going on. What conditions often produce migraines include ear infections, sinus infections, infection of the temporomandibular joint or TMJ (which connects your jawbone to your skull), stiff muscles in the neck and mouth, inflammation of the lining of the head and skull and inflammation of the lining of the ears. 

Numb Tooth 

If you were to experience tooth pain and find that there is no pain when brushing your molars, it could be a sign that an infection has begun in the root of your tooth. 

Infections can spread quickly so it is always safe to go get a dental cleaning. If you have had a painful toothache that has turned into an infection, you should seek medical attention. 

Metallic Taste 

Noticing a change in breath or if you are experiencing any tooth pain or swelling should alert you to seek help from an emergency dentist. The metallic taste of blood, while not harmful, might suggest that your tooth has cracked or may have a small cavity. In such a case, it’s important to go to an emergency dentist. 


Most dental emergencies are not life-threatening but can be very painful. When experiencing a dental emergency, the best action is to consult a dentist as soon as possible. If you are having a dental emergency and don’t know whom to call, just get in touch with LV Smile Designers. They will provide you with the care you need as quickly as possible.