7 Common Signs You Need to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed

 Wisdom teeth are difficult and costly to remove, plus the recovery time can be long. Unless these further problems arise- you will have a very difficult time getting a dentist to remove your wisdom teeth. The good news is that there are several symptoms we can use to know when it’s time to have our wisdom teeth removed. 

Here are 7 signs that you need to get your wisdom teeth out: 

  1. Constant Tooth Pain 

Wisdom teeth are premolars and molars that are located around the age of 21. They go through a rapid growth stage of 4-8 months and are located with your front two teeth (next to the incisors). They take longer to erupt than your other teeth, which could make them harder to remove painlessly. Speak with your dentist as soon as you notice any signs of discomfort that persist for more than a few weeks. 

If you’re experiencing pain in your wisdom teeth, there’s a high likelihood that they haven’t grown correctly during development and need to be removed. 

  1. Stiff Jaw 

It takes a few months for the wisdom teeth to emerge. As they develop, the amount of pressure that they put on your jaw increases keeping you awake at night. The bottom teeth pressing against the top teeth can be especially painful. 

This movement is uncomfortable and if left untreated, it can quickly turn into pain. People usually get this problem because there are too many holes in their molars. This can also occur if you have had several cavities in your teeth. If you are a little overweight, collagen levels in your mouth may be low and the affected teeth start rubbing against each other while you sleep. This can also be caused by infections that break through the gums. 


Wisdom teeth are found in the back of your mouth. If they do not erupt straight into your mouth, they can nuzzle up to your molars or even erupt upwards and sideways. Wisdom teeth can randomly emerge early or late, or else not at all. They can debilitate people about their age if they emerge in the wrong place or size. 

When the teeth start to break through the gum, it can become incredibly painful. The sensitive tissue around each new tooth is likely to be damaged until you can get them removed for good. Growing wisdom teeth doesn’t always produce a painful condition or infection though, so visit your dentist as soon as possible if you experience any of these signs. 

Even tough, old wisdom teeth can get sore. Since you’ve got the wisdom to know when a tooth needs to come out, don’t ignore these symptoms. Putting off a trip to the dentist isn’t going to make the pain go away. 

  1. Recurring Infections 

If you are experiencing an infection in your jaw area behind your last tooth or the gum disease that could be caused by the wisdom teeth, it may be time to get examined to find out what is causing the problem. You may have a problem with the wisdom teeth from one of the following: trauma, tooth decay, abscess or bacteria that has traveled from elsewhere, jaw bone cancer, or your jaw bone becoming weak. 

When wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can cause a lot of discomfort due to the bacteria that can flood the area. If it’s left untreated for too long, the bacteria can damage the tissue around the tooth, ultimately causing severe pain. It’s important to treat this as soon as possible so as not to further damage the tooth. 

Wisdom teeth infections an indication you need to get your wisdom teeth removed. 

  1. Tooth Damage and Decay 

Wisdom teeth problems are some of the most common in adults. If you have any wisdom teeth, make sure you get them out as soon as possible. They can crowd your teeth, change the shape of your face and ruin the result of any dental work you had done. 

Tooth decay and tooth abscesses can cause tooth loss, a great deal of discomfort, and pain. Dental problems can also lead to more serious dental complications, such as gum disease. 

It is important for a dentist to properly identify wisdom teeth in order to prevent damage to nearby teeth. Some bad news, say your wisdom teeth do not come incorrectly, your teeth may be affected. Make sure you visit a specialist if your teeth are causing irritation. 

  1. Wisdom Tooth Impaction 

When wisdom teeth don’t come in straight and are impinged on, they can cause discomfort and sometimes even pain. Other teeth can be damaged as a result of your wisdom teeth being impinged in the wrong position. 

The sooner these important teeth are removed, the better for you. It could lead to other issues in your mouth and jaw. It’s pretty clear when a tooth is crooked and will be difficult to remove later in life. 

  1. It’s Riped To Get Removed 

Many adults have wisdom teeth. If your wisdom teeth are too crowded to keep them in, you’ll likely need to have them taken out. Some wisdom teeth will emerge before you’re ready for them, and that can present a complication for you. By waiting until years where you can undergo the procedure at an earlier age, you can avoid complications and other problems. 

How to Take Care of Wisdom Teeth Once They Have Been Removed 

The wisdom teeth start coming up at the back of the mouth after our teenage years. This is a very transitory period as we enter adulthood and find ourselves in transition into new life and responsibilities. While our dental care is typically better than most in our cohort, the wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth that they often go unnoticed. As they come through, they often cause damage to the gum tissues or push against other teeth, and they need to be removed. Though many people successfully take care of their wisdom teeth by visiting a dentist every 6 months for a routine cleaning, the infection can still develop. 

It’s critical to keep up good oral hygiene habits following wisdom teeth extraction. We always advise patients to brush their teeth twice daily and use floss. 

After the wisdom teeth removal, it is important to take care of the mouth to minimize the risk of infection. Check the mouth for sensitivity to cold or hot. If there is sensitivity, use warm water or a cool air stream to relieve the discomfort. Avoid hot or cold food and drinks for 24 to 48 hours. To minimize bleeding, avoid contact sports, heavy exercise, or contact with other people for 48 hours. If bleeding persists, consult a dentist or doctor. Take over-the-counter pain medication for 1-2 days. 

Patients should also avoid eating acidic foods on the day of treatment and the day after to avoid any complications with the stitches or the impacted jaw. Some people might have a dry mouth after the surgery, which is why they should drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and other fluids will help to rehydrate the mouth and throat. 

After the wisdom teeth removal, you should be careful not to bite or chew on anything for a few days to ensure adequate healing. You should also avoid using straws, and drinking through a straw because it will place stress on the teeth and lower your jaw. To help keep food out of the wound and mouth, you can hold gauze over your mouth after every meal. The gauze will also help catch any food particles that may fall onto the wound and help prevent infection. 

How to Recognize Complications From Wisdom Tooth Removal 

You should keep an eye on your mouth for any signs of infection. It is common after wisdom teeth surgery to get an infection. One of the early symptoms is redness and swelling at the site of the jaw. This may progress to an intense itch and pain in or around the mouth. 

Here are some of the few complications you need to look out for:

  • Fever 
  • Bad breath 
  • Swollen gums 
  • Sore throat 
  • Painful swallowing 


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your dentist immediately. 


If you experience one or more of the following problems, you might want to consider getting wisdom teeth removed. Your wisdom tooth might be pushing against your other teeth or cheek, causing pain. You could also have an impacted wisdom tooth, which means your tooth is growing in the wrong position. Your wisdom teeth might have difficulty coming in because of a lack of room in your mouth, or because there are large gaps in your teeth. Finally, if any of your wisdom teeth are tilted, this may be a signal that they are in the way.